Contents: Pt. I. Introduction. Refugee protection in internationallaw: an overall perspective / Volker T�rk and FrancesNicholson ; Age and gender dimensions in internationalrefugee law / Alice Edwards ; Declaration of StatesParties to the 1951 Convention and/or its 1967 Protocolrelating to the status of refugees
-- Pt. II. Non-refoulement (Article 33 of the 1951 Convention). The scopeand content of the principle of non-refoulement: opinion /Eli Lauterpacht and Daniel Bethlehem ; Summary conclusions: the principle of non-refoulement, expert roundtable,Cambridge, July 2001
-- Pt. III. Illegal entry (Article31). Article 31 of the 1951 Convention Relating to theStatus of Refugees: non-penalization, detention andprotection / Guy S. Goodwin-Gill ; Summary conclusions -Article 31 of the 1951 Convention, expert roundtable,Geneva, November 2001
-- Pt. IV. Membership of aparticular social group (Article 1A(2)). Protectedcharacteristics and social perceptions: an analysis of themeaning of ^'membership of a particular social group^'/ T.Alexander Aleinikoff ; Summary conclusions: membership ofa particular social group, expert roundtable, San Remo,September 2001
-- Pt. V. Gender-related persecution(Article 1A(2)). Gender-related persecution / RodgerHaines ; Summary conclusions: gender-related persecution,expert roundtable, San Remo, September 2001
-- Pt. VI.Internal protection/relocation/flight alternative.Internal protection/relocation/flight alternative as anaspect of refugee status determination / James Hathawayand Michelle Foster ; Summary conclusions: internalprotection/relocation/flight alternative, expertroundtable, San Remo, September 2001
-- Pt. VII. Exclusion(Article 1F). Current issues in the application of theexclusion clauses / Geoff Gilbert ; Summary conclusions:exclusion from refugee status, expert roundtable, Lisbon,May 2001
-- Pt. VIII. Cessation (Article 1C). Cessation ofrefugee protection / Joan Fitzpatrick and Rafael Bonoan ;Summary conclusions: cessation of refugee status, expertroundtable, Lisbon, May 2001
-- Pt. IX. Family unity(Final Act, 1951 UN Conference). Family unity and refugeprotection / Kate Jastram and Kathleen Newland ; Summaryconclusions: family unity, expert roundtable, Geneva,November 2001
-- Pt. X. Supervisory responsibility(Article 35). Supervising the 1951 Convention Relating tothe Status of Refugees: Article 35 and beyond / WalterKไlin ; Summary conclusions: supervisory responsibility,expert roundtable, Cambridge, July 2001
-- Annexes. Statusof ratifications of key international instruments whichinclude a non-refoulement component ; Constitutional andlegislative provisions importing the principle of non-refoulement into municiple law ; Incorporation of Article31 of the 1951 Convention into municipal law: selectedlegislation